Master Your Edging and
Reveal Your Creativity
New ES 700/M & ES 800/M
Edging Systems
The 'M' technology combines milling and grinding.

Light Therapy: epi-c plus and equinox
Optimal Treatment of Inflammatory
Condition in the Facial Area
Low cost per patient and fast ROI

Reichert® Tono-Vera®
Tonometer is Now Available!
Truly objective for precise IOP measurements

Eye-Ruler 2
Measurement Device
Easy-to-Use and Most Compact
Designed to reap the benefits of Varilux® XR series

Vision-R 700:
Unique Optical Module
Makes the Dramatic Difference
Adjust sphere, cylinder and axis simultaneously

Vision-S 700: All-In-One
Immersive Refraction Station
Space-saving design for 3-minute refractions

PTS 925-2000 Automated Perimeters
Precise and Fast Visual Field
Testing at Incredible Value
Almost 10,000 units in use worldwide

PRO-E 700:
Compact High-Volume Edger
with Extended Versatility
Pro-E 600 with advanced features